Friday, March 06, 2015

I'm not tall

Today to my great disappointment I didn't get my Feri. Instead I got the biggest horse in the house, 1.85 but very gentle, so gentle they use him also for kids.

When we were all standing there, adjusting stirrups and tightning the girths, I got a question from a fellow student if I managed to get onto the horse without standing on the bench. Told her she was crazy, there is no way I can get on a horse that big without help. "I'm 1.65, the horse 1.85, what do you think?". She responded "no, my Mum is 1.65 and you're taller". Excuse me? Wanna see my (expired) passport?

I mean, I'm getting much fitter, but getting your leg up so high you can heave yourself onto a horse that tall, no way. I have enough anxiety about jumping off it, without twisting an ankle or similar.

And I must admit, that the first time I rode him it didn't go very well. With a huge horse like that you have to adjust to the larger movements, but this time, I felt almost comfortable. So I guess I'm making progress.

However, I'm pretty sure kids don't put any pressure on the horse, they don't force him to do things and I did. Normally I don't like to use a whip, but the teacher insisted, so I used it once to get him to gallop a bit faster. Haha, he didn't like that and I got a kick as a response. And the teacher told me to slow down. Hmmm. She shouldn't have given me the whip.

And she remarked that "Annika, you understand Switzedütch", 'cause that's what she uses most of the time (but making sure I follow), but I gotta tell you, "Handwechsel" in high German vs "Handwäschle" (speaking from deep in your throat) in Swiss German is not that difficult to understand. Just saying.

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