Thursday, March 12, 2015

Swiss XIV

Today I had the first questioning by a friend on Swiss things, the stuff that it's in the broschure I got, and according to him I didn't do very well, whereas I think I did.

I know my weaknesses, they are about the politics and the political parties, but rest assured I'll know everything about them when the time comes. And it made me laugh that he, a Swiss by birth, didn't know everything either.

So, in this broschure it's everything you need to know if you wanna be a Swiss. And it goes without saying that the information they put in there are all positive. I mean I get it, who wants to promote something that isn't in your favour?

But let me quote this about the "Knabenschiessen", which is a kinda festival with youngsters who get to shoot (according to the broschure it started several hundred years ago and was military-related). Since 1899 it's the biggest party in Zürich (still according to the broschure) and here comes the quote "1991 kam es zu einer grossen Wende beim Knabenschiessen, als auch Mädchen am Schützenwettbewerb zugeslassen würden". Which means that women (well I guess girls) are also allowed to participate since 1991. If they would have said 1891 I would've understood why they put the info in there, but 1991, hello?

And I do miss the information about the half-canton Appenzell innerrhoden being the last canton in Switzerland to allow women to vote...drumroll please...1991!

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