Monday, March 16, 2015

Clean balcony

When waking up this morning and I saw the weather I decided it was a good day to clean the balcony, and make it ready for spring.

It's not as quick as you think, even if it's only 15 m2. I have to move things around, do a part, then move back and so forth.

But it was nice, and I was chatting to my neighbour who was also out enjoying the 19°C and sun, ironing. Which I found a bit weird, but still.

I scraped moss and cat hair from between the tiles, handpicked all the leaves off, hoovered, scrubbed the four chairs and two tables, cleaned all the glass walls, and showered it all off with the fab hose my friend installed last year. The one that goes from my bathroom being 8 meters long, extending to 24 meters and reaching every corner of my balcony.

Unfortunately all things didn't get dry before it got colder and darker, so I still have to put everything in place tomorrow, but a welcome chore. I look forward to put my new shelf out there and fill it with spices and flowers, only that'll have to wait a wee bit, since it's still cold at night.

And it's funny how differently the cats react. One is there all the time, sniffing, checking and being overly curious, whereas the other one hides as long as I'm working out there. Then eventually coming out and only after three tries I got her to get out there to check. Everything that is not normal for her is scary. It's enough to move a piece of furniture to get her to go into hiding, and the other one is always around, probably not knowing what curiousity did to the cat ;).

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