Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Thank you for the contribution (you know who you are). This is some food for thought: If ghosts go through walls, why don’t they fall through the floor? Why was it that in all different cultures the men always used to come first and never the women? When you feel down, why do people ask what’s up? In horse racing, why do they award the rider and not the horse? Why do people more commonly skip breakfast than any other meal, considering that this is the time when the stomach is emptiest? How are children supposed to take medicine if it’s meant to be kept out of their reach? Why do people talk about ‘girlie’ things but never ‘boyie’ things? Why do we close doors and windows to reduce noise, considering that sound travels better through solids? Why does your nose run and your feet smell? Why is ‘abbreviation’ such a long word? Why is Friday 13th considered unlucky, considering that the Last Supper was on Thursday? If you think you’re a hypochondriac, then are you one or not? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Feel free to propose answers (please don't let me think up all of them myself :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the mere use of the word 'boyie' would be girly (all y words are girly) and thus prevents its use. Either that or it just sounds stupid and we use boyish instead

time spent on eating breakfast is far better spent sleeping longer

if you think you are a hypochondriac then you are as no non hypochondriac would think they were and if you think you are, regardless of whether you are or not, then you have to be

succeeding to fail, my favourite thing, 'cos as long as you let everyone know you tried to fail you're not actually a failure but a success. We're all winners as long as we werent actually trying to win when we lost. it all about face saving.