Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lose relationship

So what do we think of this? For example a man has a girlfriend. Then he meets another woman and starts a relationship with her too. Second woman knows about the first, but not the other way around. Personally I have no problem being the second woman, since I believe it's the guy's responsibility. He's the one being unfaithful. And it might even be so, that they have a so called open relationship, although I doubt it. In case you wonder, it's not me. Not this time :) Comments welcome.


Anonymous said...

being the second woman still sucks. Even if it is the guy's responsibility I'd still probably feel guilty especially as there's likely to be some sneaking around, avoiding places in case you run into first woman's friends etc. and if you start to really like the guy will he leave woman A? will he do the same thing to you later?

Anonymous said...

I would definitely mind being the second woman.

Witchbitch said...

Yes and no. The thing is if you get into the rel-ship with open eyes you know what to get. Only thing is the two times I did, I got hurt because I kinda fell in looove. If you ask me if I regret it, the answer is no. I wouldn't have it un-done. But yes, as soon as you meet the number one woman, get out! Because then as a woman you start having a conscience. Bad thing that, conscience :)

Anonymous said...

"Lose relation ship"

Hello, this is the woman the story is about.

What if I like to have such a situation?
I knew that he is in relation with another woman at the first time we met (no sex that time). I'd be happy if he would be able to go for both of us in parallel.
Actually I do not want somebody who is going to plan my own future according to his own preferences (my experiences with men). And he definately is not in the postion to make demands or have expectations.
Sounds unmoral but it's me who has to live the way I'd like to. My wish: I want to have appointments with him - all other is his problem...

Any further comments please.

Anonymous said...

'loose relationship'

sorry hun, but you're kidding yourself. its in human nature to get jealous and you will, even if you're not now.
you seem to think by doing it this way you'll be in control because he cant make demands on you, maybe so, but he can mess you around whenever he wants because he always has the the other woman as an excuse. because she is the first woman and you know about her and she doesnt know about you that makes her the more legitimate one and you the 'mistress', which means he's more committed to her/owes her more (otherwise he'd leave her or it wouldn't be a problem to tell her about you). Like Annika said you've gone in with your eyes open so you know what you get - you get a sneaky, lying man who doesnt really respect his partner - why would you want that?
having said that I want to point out that I dont want to sound like I think you're doing something wrong, I dont, but I think he is. and I know matters of the heart dont work out so logically in practice, but since I'm not in the situation....
sorry, long comment

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment. Indeed all this is makes sense. However I had enough conventional relation ships to know that I do not want them anymore. Yes I’d prefer that he has no other women but that’s not the point. I think times have definitely changed and a lot of people are able to have different forms of relation ship. It’s just the question whether they are aware of and whether they are honest enough to themselves. I don’t know yet whether he is really in the position to live two relation ships in parallel. But this is something he needs to find out. With regard to my own feelings I’m really aware of them and I have learned to take care of myself. Why shouldn’t I try?

Anonymous said...

the problem is that you say you like this relationship because you dont want a 'conventional' relationship, but then you go on to say you would prefer he didnt have any other women . If he didnt then it would be a conventional relationship, wouldnt it?
anyway, I wish you luck and hope you will have lots of fun without getting emotionally attached to this guy

Anonymous said...

"lose relationship"

I need to correct you according to my pointof view. Although I'd prefer he has no "first" woman I do not want to have a conventional reltionship at all. I'd love to have relation to him that is far away from standard practice.