Saturday, October 03, 2009


People never stop to amaze me. And not always in a good way. I'm thinking of when I invited people to my housewarming party. I sent an invite several months before on email and asked them to RVSP before a certain date. There are several types of behaviour that comes into play then: 1. The people who respond to say yes, I will come. 2. The people who respond to say no, I'm sorry but I cannot come. This behaviour is totally acceptable, even if No 1 is more fun :). Then we have the following: 3. The people who first responded No 1 saying yes I will come and then call or sms (the same day actually) to say they cannot come due to illness, or in one case couldn't make it since his partner was ill (she's 80 so understandable). This is fine too. Illness is not something you can predict. However, I'm not so sure some of these people were actually ill... 4. Then we have the people who at first said they would come, but just failed to show. This is totally unacceptable in my book. They will never ever get an invite from me again. In one case the guy emailed a couple of days later saying he was sorry but he was sick, and I am inclined to accept that, especially since he has seen to that I got a lot of discount on my equipment. But in general, accepting an invite and not show up is unacceptable behaviour. 5. The people who never even responded to the invite, even though I know they got it. Go fuck yourselves! When you are generous and invite people to your home, and they cannot even be bothered to answer then it's goodbye from my point of view. But mostly I am very very happy for all the 40 people who did show up and made my day. It was the best party in many years. And I have a lot to thank Bro, his girlfriend and my German friend for all the help before and during the party. They assisted in the kitchen, and with drinks. They allowed me to mingle and talk to my guests. Thanks guys!


Anonymous said...

wow, glad I RSVPed, the wrath of Annika is scary! ;) I know what you mean though. No matter how much you try just to invite good people there are always some in each of those categories.I dont mind so much about not getting an RSVP - but I usually dont ask for one, but I do hate the oens who go on about looking forward to it then dont turn up and dont have a reason, ugh.

Witchbitch said...

So we agree! There's a first for everything ;)

Anonymous said...

yes, I know, I'm disagreeable. but I'm sure there's many many things we agree on. juist cant think of any right now ;)

Witchbitch said...

Hehe, I know there, there surely must be something :)??