Wednesday, October 07, 2009


It's been 25°C here in Zürich today. Hurray for global warming! Unfortunately shoe shops no longer sell summer shoes, and I walked around with socks and real shoes. Hot-hot-hot. Now I've gotta deal with a box that I just picked up from the post office. Suspect it's the network from Orange that finally arrived. Only I had ordered it to be installed, and thought they were bringing it, but it seems customer service is scarce as usual. Then I have to have a serious talk with saug-Peter. He's just blinking yellow, refuses to suck and won't even charge. With the help of the semi-useful manual I actually managed to open it yesterday and sure enough, it was filled with hmmm fluff. But it was only a compartment on the side. Have a suspicion there is a bigger compartment, but manual didn't cover that. This is how I know it's a male device, it only works when it wants...

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