Thursday, October 01, 2009

Suck-peter and I

We are getting to know each other slowly. I ask him to do his thing, and he does it but sometimes I ask too much. Like this evening when I decided to lock him in my bathroom and let him clean the new bathroom mat. It's full of fluff that sticks to my feet, and since I do not have a tumbler I thought suck-peter could help. He did a good job, but then I asked him to do the bedroom and he was just full. Full of yellow fluff, and I had to clean him. Then he was happy as a fly in shit and continued happily to suck. When I think he's done I open the door for him to go on to the next room, but he tells me he's not finished and continues. He has a strong sense of responsibility. What a guy!


John said...

...I'm getting turned on by this! ;) Now if they could just design one that vacuums, and pays for dinner and drinks two nights a week...!


Witchbitch said...

My thoughts exactly!