Friday, October 16, 2009

Oktoberfest is so 2008

After queueing an hour to get in to the Oktoberfest in Bahnhof we decided it wasn't worth it. The interesting thing was that most people had pre-booked for 7pm, but we started to queue already at 5. Instead of having people come in for a few hours using the tables that are reserved for 7, they choose to not let anybody in. So tables empty, and a long queue outside. What sense does that make? For ze Swiss is apparently more important with rules than common sense...
So we took the approach of fuck them and went to another bar for a good liter of strawberry marguerita. Not a bad idea, a nice environment, a good drink and some good talk.
And on the way home I was presented with a gift by a guy on the street. Me: "what's this for?". Him: "the swine flu". Me: "but I am very healthy, I drink lots of alcohol". Him: "me too", while laughing behind his mask.
Now I'm contemplating whether I should wear the mask when going out later...


John said...

We were told over here that masks won't protect you from getting it..the particles are too fine..and will get through the mask. BUT...a person who has a cold or a cough already..should wear a mask to prevent others from getting sick. I say...whatever! If I get sick..I stay home and get better. end of story!

Witchbitch said...

No way will I walk around with a mask on my face. Am not that ugly yet :)