Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jehovas witnesses

Yesterday evening the door bell rang, and when it rings it rings several times like the person pressing the button is impatient. I have learned that this is not the case, it does that by itself, but it nevertheless makes me running to the door. And because I haven't learned yet which button is for speaking and which one is for opening the door, I opened the door directly even though I didn't recognize the man and woman outside. I then figured it was some relatives to somebody in the house, but opened the door just to check. Turned out they were heading for my apartment (how did they know I lived on the 2nd floor? It doesn't say down below...). And yes, you guessed it by the headline, Jehovas friggin witnesses wanting to speak god to me. They were promptly told I'm an atheist and warned not to ever bother me or the neighbours again. But to their defense they were still polite and left the house immediately (I checked thru the intercom camera). Ha, did they approach the wrong person!

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