Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Jeez, I am invited to a baby-shower thing. What do one do at these gatherings? Discuss throw-ups, diapers, pre-chewed food, the colour of poo or what? I am at a loss here. Figure I just go there, bring some baby paraphernalia and hope that there is some food and drinks...


Anonymous said...

see, here's something we agree on!
I was invited to a baby shower recently too and I had reluctantly agreed to go, but I must say I was quite relieved when the car broke down and I couldnt get there. I used to think the only thing worse than sitting around talking about someone else's future baby is sitting around with people's actual babies, and talking about babies (cos it seems people with babies are not capable of talking about anything else), but last week I had to sit around and talk about someone else's future puppies - snore!

Witchbitch said...

A. I have no car.
B. Shower is at the neighbours.
I'll give it a go. After all you should try everything once.