Thursday, October 22, 2009


Two of my good friends called today. They are very special to me since I was the one who introduced them to each other, am btw still waiting for the reward, and they are very happy so I know I would have a future in matchmaking if things were to go bad. But nevermind that. They told me they are expecting a second kid. At which time I told them to postpone the trip to Zürich with about 14 years. What I especially like about this couple is that she goes back to work after birth, and he stays home minding the kid(s). He then got lost into details about one kid - one diaper change - and how to manage two. Told him that the big kid (1,5 years or something) should ditch his diaper and problem would be solved. Told him also that I'm sure I was very early in losing the diapers, like any clever kid. This is when he told me that I'm closer in age to using diapers again than a newborn. Charming! It's nothing like a birthday having so called friends reminding you of your age...

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