Thursday, July 15, 2010

Charlie vs Nelson

Today in German class we all had to write down a name of a famous person, living or dead, on two pieces of paper. The same name on both. One note was given to somebody else, and one we received back from somebody else. Then we were to write a dialogue between the two. It was rather funny actually, because the setting was that one (the yellow note) was sitting on a park bench with ruffled clothes and with a vodka bottle in his hand. The other one (the blue note) was all dressed up in a suit. I got Charlie Chaplin and Nelson Mandela. Wrote something like Charlie said it wasn't too bad being dead, because you could do anything without consequences. Nelson was still a bit anxious, since his death is kinda imminent, so Charlie graciously offered Nelson a swig from his bottle. I like it when they stop with these friggin grammatics, and let us use our imagination. Of which I have a lot!

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