Saturday, July 31, 2010

Letting him go

Five years since I broke up with the boyfriend. I'm really not a relationship type, but I kinda loved him and we had a good time together. At least the first year. Tonight I met his brother. When we first met he avoided me. Might have had something to do with age and him not speaking English. The last few years though when I have run into him he's been very appreciative. "Hi Annika, how're you doing?", kiss-kiss-kiss and the whole shallabaloo. Anyway, turned out that he is now my source of information about the ex. Told me some things I didn't know. So now I'm letting go. I am setting him (the boyfriend i.e., not his brother) free. Oh gad, I sounds like a sad twat don't I? So here goes: he's marrying an architect from Peru. And he's probably gonna bring her to Switzerland. Yeah, that's a good idea. An architect from Peru, thinking she could take up a job here. Yes, I think really building regulations in Switzerland are similar to the ones (if any) they have in Peru. HAHAHAHA!

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