Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Just out a bit

Spent the eve catching up with a few friends. Ok, so I did it while out in Zürich, but better late than ever, right? Told one "you really suck at keeping in touch, how are you?". Response was "planning a party, are you coming?". Seeing as she lives in England I responded "no plans of travelling". She: "well, make bloody plans!". Haha! Love the Brits. But not enough to travel there. Prefer to enjoy their sense of humour from a distance. Or here! What is better than Zürich?


Anonymous said...

I agree. Its funny with the UK - many great things I love about it and the people but at the same time its so depressing, no desire at all to go back there

Witchbitch said...

Speaking about travelling. Thought you were coming to visit about now...?