Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yes, a good day

So first German class where I was prompted to read my essay out loud. We had an assignment to write a letter to a friend about how a man had cheated on us. I wrote a letter where I told my friend I threw stuff from my man out the window, took his key and locked him out. And after a few hours of him whining outside the door called the police to have him removed. And that he can burn in hell for all I care (Jetzt kann er in die Hölle brennen!).
My class-mate told me that even if he wouldn't have known it was me writing the letter, he would've known it was me. I made an impression!
The (male) teacher then talked about tolerance. Hehe. I knew it. All men cheat sooner or later.
Then it was time for some drinks with some acquaintances, including the muslim guy. Only I got over him already Thursday last week when he showed up in white pants! A definite no-go.
We went around town for drinks, at one point stopping in this Hiltl place which only has vegetarian food. Wasn't difficult to refrain from eating there I tell you! Eventually picking up some other friends in Niederdorf on the way home. My home which btw has very clean windows!
Now perhaps some sleep. Tomorrow I'm thinking boat. Is gonna be 35°C. It's a tuff life, but somebody's gotta do it!

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