Thursday, July 15, 2010

A little pressure always works

About a week ago I sent a text message to the neighbours that it would be about fucking time that we'd meet. Although we live about 5 meters from each other we never meet. Suggested we'd meet up for drinks or a grill or something. Until today I had no answer, but not being a quitter I thought I'd give it another try. After all, being used to ze Swiss where you have to try hard, I know how to play it. Me on sms "haven't heard back from you for a week. Did I do something to piss you off?". It took him about 20 seconds to phone back. Haha. So now we have a date on Sunday. Drinks on my balcony (because I'm on the shade side of the house), and then perhaps a barbie later. Ask my other neighbour, I'm an expert on guilt trips!

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