Monday, July 26, 2010

German sense of humour

Sometimes I think I have Alzheimers light. I thought I had written about the book summary I did about German sense of humour. Was gonna link back to it, but cannot find it. So assuming I thought about doing it, and then never did. Anyway. We were to read a German book and then write a summary about it. Considering that I did it the first month in class, I decided to wing it. So wrote about German sense of humour, which is a book with one page and an oxymoron in itself. I explained the German expression "der Witz ist um die Ecke" meaning the joke is not understood. I referred to ze German coastguard, and just made fun of ze Germans in general. My teacher is German, and wasn't 100% amused. It's great when cliches are proved! And when he said "it's a book with at least 300 pages!" I couldn't help bursting out laughing. He so proved my theory. I really rock!

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