Thursday, December 26, 2013

A fish called what?

My neighbours have a fish. A fish with no name. I guess Wanda is out of the question since it's a male fish 'cause "females are uglier in this species". Hmmm. There are a lot of things to be said to that comment, but my prudence forbid it.

Now I'm looking after their flat when they are on holiday. And I feel bad for that lonely fish. First of all, it's alone in the aquarium (the reason is it ate its companions), and second, well it's alone. A whole week, nobody is talking to it, caring or doing anything with it. So I try. I open the door, I say "hello fish", I check where it's hiding in the tank, I tell him what I'm doing there and leaving saying "I'll see you tomorrow".

I dunno why people choose to have a fish, it's not like you can pet it, and even if you talk to it, like I do, they don't understand, I mean, what's the point?

But they did choose to have the floor heating on while they're gone, close to 30°C in the flat (tropical fish), so I guess they must love it. Even if they haven't given it a name.

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