Thursday, December 12, 2013

The fight goes on

When I was young(er) I picked every fight. Hadn't yet learned to choose my battles. Now, with age, I have mellowed. Not to the point of being stupid and accepting everything (far from!), but I know when to fight and not.

Tonight I met somebody who hasn't given up fighting a losing battle. It probably didn't help that he had a few drinks. But it was funny, listening to him and his arguments, trying hard not to laugh, since I was there when the initial debate took place.

Hurray for democracies, where anybody and everybody can express their opinion! Even if they are laughed at, but rather that than being imprisoned like in some countries!

Plus, the food served was delicious :).


Anonymous said...

I have noticed you have mellowed even in the relatively short time I have know you.
There is a fine line between arguing a pointless battle, pissing people off and having an interesting discussion especially when you're drinking. I'm still falling into this trap, oops.


Witchbitch said...

Hurray for interesting discussions! I have a hard time seeing you arguing a pointless battle or piss people off.