Sunday, December 22, 2013

I overstayed my welcome

Not only did I arrive exactly at the time stated in the invite, but I didn't leave at the stipulated time. Mind you, the others didn't either. But you know, when there is food and drinks and new people to get to know, it is difficult to wrap up and leave. And the hosts seemed happy, so I guess ok.

Or like another friend of mine said "I wanna walk you to the door to make sure you leave". Actually it was her Dad who said it and it was relayed to me, but it makes a better story without too many details.

One thing that surprised me though was that what I thought was an open-minded and modern friend had a Christmas tree with...tadada...real candles in it! Who has real candles in a tree these days? Well, apart from my old-fashioned neighbours i.e. The things you don't know.

But when we, the international group consisting of people from Germany, Venezuela, Australia, Sweden, Great Britain and even a few Swiss (!) discussed trees, one of them was mentioning that her family did a tree "even worse". Haha.

I thought it was nice though, even though my plastic tree with purple lights and glitter is more to my taste. Each to their own.

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