Monday, December 02, 2013

Don't quit your day job

Today I was invited to a do for volunteers, first with a drink, then with a film and finally some food and more drinks.

I didn't know anybody there, so at first I was just standing there watching, thinking there are lots of old people volunteering, I felt really young. On the other hand, younger people who volunteer probably are working on a Monday afternoon.

Then it was the movie. It was a project involving ETH Zürich, the university and an old peoples home. Apart from myself there was one young person, happening to sit next to me, and I wanted to lean over and whisper "they shouldn't quit their day job", thinking she probably spoke English.

Luckily I didn't since she turned out to be playing a role in the movie (in a wig, wasn't recognizable), and later when I did speak to her I realized she was from Australia.

Don't get me wrong, the idea is good to liaise young students with old people in projects, but hmmm, that movie isn't gonna be one of my favs.


Anonymous said...

so what was this movie actually about?


Witchbitch said...

A variant of Heidi.