Sunday, December 29, 2013

Good service

Good service is nothing we are spoiled with here in Switzerland. In fact, I only know it from America, but then they expect a 20% tip so it doesn't really count.

Today in Ikea we got it. In the food shop my friend was told that the 2-francs voucher he had was only valid if his purchase was more than 10 francs. It was 9.90, so the shop assistant suggested I "give" him one of mine. Then I was told that buying four glass containers with herring (I had only three) came with a discount. Buy four, pay for three.

This is the kind of behaviour that makes you go back. Even if I only bought two packs of serviettes in the Ikea store, and had to wait fifteen minutes to pay for them. A good feeling 'cause of the food shop assistant. There should be more of them.

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