Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Zürich zoo XII

I read that in Zürich zoo you can take a class fighting your phobia against spiders. I can maybe understand people who take those kind of classes against phobias like flying, but why on earth would I take a class fighting my demons like any kind of insects including spiders, my fear of heights or any creepy-crawlies?

It's not like I plan to confront an anaconda or a black widow. Nah, leave me alone with my phobias please. And living in Switzerland, it's not likely I'll be exposed to a cobra or a rattlesnake. If I wanna see them I go to the Zürich zoo, that's it.

And yes, I have been up the tallest building in Switzerland! The prime tower in Zürich. And it has glass all around, and I was happy to sit in the middle of the room having a smoke.


Anonymous said...

I guess some people are less happy having phobias. maybe they don't like thinking they are not in control of some feelings, even if practically it would have almost no impact on their life.


Witchbitch said...

Well, I'm happy to keep mine even though it would've been fun to climb all the way to the top.