Monday, December 09, 2013

Annual meeting

Tonight we had our annual meeting. The building association. It was bloody, and threats were flying around like we were in Afghanistan. NOT.

I really tried to get some sort of heat going, but no. We were all in agreement.

Ok, so the only thing we didn't agree on was the removing of the grey heart on the side of the house, and the only tenant who actually sees it from the balcony was for, and the three of us were against. He gave me an evil look, saying next time I want something I cannot expect his support, and me saying "this is what it's like living in a democracy". He's from Eastern Europe :).

It was great fun, and even though the meeting only lasted like 1.5 hours they stayed equally long just discussing other things. And finish the food and drinks I served.

Small communities, I love it.


Anonymous said...

really? you're gonna keep it? Doesnt it kinda cheapen things?


Witchbitch said...

We're gonna keep it for a while to see if there will be more graffiti in the hood, before deciding.

Anonymous said...

It must be bad for the value of your property and for the whole area. Waiting to see? Your waiting to see could be part of the area detoriating. By keeping it you are practically inviting more, 'sure just come here and write on our walls, we don't mind and will not do anything about it, this is a neighbourhood where you can have free roam of the streets. Never mind us, we will be hiding behind our curtains minding our own business while the streets turn to shit.'

Witchbitch said...

Haha, somebody really feels strongly about this! Actually, that side of the building is seen by few, and it's a heart. Could be seen as art.

Removing it is no guarantee that it won't happen again. These things are expensive, and need a crane.

But you are welcome to visit our trashy neighbourhood :).

Anonymous said...

And leaving it there will almost guarantee that you will get more 'art' :-)


Witchbitch said...

If we do, you will most certainly read about it here on the blog :).