Friday, December 27, 2013

Adjustable bed

People should learn to listen to me. And to women in general.

Some years ago I bought an old-peoples-bed. An adjustable bed that you have in 5-stars-hotels if you're lucky. My thoughts were that you have a bed about 20 years, and I'd rather have one now when I don't actually need it, 'cause you never know when you will. Plus it's nice to be able to move the headboard up when you're reading.

A friend of my tried it, and I knew when she did, that it wouldn't be long before she had one too. She only had to talk her husband into it. It took almost a year.

One morning she woke up, finding her husband sitting up in bed (in the adjustable one), 'cause he was in pain. Less pain sitting up. See! The bed came in handy.

But jokes aside, tomorrow I'll be visiting him in the hospital. Luckily it seems his condition is treatable, but for sure I'll be asking if he thinks the investment in an adjustable bed is still a good one. And if perhaps he should listen to his wife a bit more.

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