Sunday, December 29, 2013

Panache and gucki

I have gained respect for people in the gastro business lately. Even if I only work in a cafeteria serving old people drinks and cookies, I have realized that it's not so easy as you think when being a customer.

Today I had four people around a table, two coffees, but one with extra milk and one glass of water without bubbles served lukewarm and one glass of water with, but served cold. Ok I can do that.

Three people at another table wanted one Rivella, one coffee but served in a tea-mug (the man was 98 years old and his hands were shaking too much to hold a normal cup), then with cold milk therein, and one person ordered Panache. My co-worker didn't have a clue what that was either. I had a feeling it was a mix of something, ask me anything about wine and I'll know, but with beer I'm lost. Had to ask and used my youth (!) as an excuse. "Sorry, I'm inexperienced, can you please tell me what a panache is". Haha, only place my youth plays to my advantage.

Anyway, turns out to be a mix between beer and a soft drink called Citro. Yikes! It was only later we discovered that there actually was a bottle with a mix ready-made in the fridge.

Then one person ordered a "gucki", and even after asking three times I didn't understand at all. This switze-dutch is killing me! Turns out she was saying "coki" meaning Coca-Cola. Aha! Why didn't she say that in the first place?

But I'm getting to know the people slowly and what they like, so it can only get better. And I'm really good in parking walkers!

PS. When you google Panache it's something completely different. Only in Switzerland my friends.


Anonymous said...

That's because its Panaché:é known as a shandy in English.

Witchbitch said...
