Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Easy come easy go

Took a little trip down to my usual place this evening. Have been ignoring them for a while, not visiting as regularly as I used to. And yes, I'm sure their revenue have suffered. Anyway. Ordered 2 deci wine, since it was a new band playing and I hadn't decided how long I was staying. The waiter winked and gave me 3. Ah ok, I can live with that. Only about 3 secs later a bald, old and obnoxious guy danced into our table spilling wine and beer all over the place. Gee, thanks. My jacket now needs a wash. And worse. He spilled my whole wine glass! A..hole. So, now I am grateful to the waiter and extremely irritated with the wine-spilling guy. But not enough to make a fuss (compare bakery-breakfast yesterday). Am I getting mellow in my old age? I really hope not...that would be a disaster! I was born angry, and planned to be it until the end of my days...

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