Tuesday, January 09, 2007


And yes, blogspot is working only intermittently right now. And as for the discussion about blog in pink vs blue you right now have both. Background baby blue, and front baby pink. Just don't say I don't try to accommodate you :)


Anonymous said...

Do I get a stay of execution now that Blogger is down for maintenance???

Great new blog name, by the way.

Witchbitch said...

Nope! You should have foreseen it :)

Had you been on blogger enough you would've known...

And thanks for the compliment! I trust you'll be a regular visitor. Monthly :)

Anonymous said...


Can't see the baby pink.Should it be activated already? Or is it just to come?

Witchbitch said...

It was just yesterday when blogger was playing up. Now it's back to its usual baby blue.