Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Got very pleasantly surprised by flatmate today. He brought me a gift! Glamshine sorbet. He had noticed which lipgloss I use. Isn't that thoughtful? I think so. So it's not the exact sort of Glamshine I use, since that has gone out of fashion (compare previous blog item...if you can be arsed to find it...way back), but it's the same brand and actually surprisingly nice. Ok, so later he told me that he got it as an extra when buying an addition to his 50 bottles of creme/lotion/spray/etc/etc. I still think it's sweet though, he could've chosen another extra. And btw, if he reads this, he may change his accommodation. Today I talked to a friend of mine who has never met flatmate. Friend asked: "how's your flatmate with all his creams?", and since flatmate was around he heard. Oh dear. So flatmate if you read this: please stay. I like you. And I can live with all your "creams" :)


Anonymous said...


I hope flatmate will read this:

Please stay - do not change your accomodation. You are the best flatmate Annika ever had. And not just because you brought the gift.

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Yes he is, not that it says much considering the "idiots" I had before :)