Sunday, November 11, 2007

11.11 11.11

I am a bad Swiss-wannabe. They are right in giving me a hard time for that C-permit thing. I had completely forgotten about the fasnacht. How could I? Slap me somebody! I just innocently went downtown tonight to have a quiet drink. I had so forgot about this Swiss party. Perhaps to my defense I have to say there are quite a few of them. But honestly, I should be able to keep track. Shame on me! On 11 November at 11.11 the party starts, and I was totally ignorant. What can I say? I will certainly try to better myself!


Anonymous said...

'11.11 11.11'
since Zurich fasnacht isnt very exciting, esp compared to fasnacht in other cities, you can be forgiven for forgetting about it. those protestants just dont quite get it

Witchbitch said...

But it was fun when I finally joined, and I like the live music.

Anonymous said...

'11.11 11.11'
If you can call that Guggen stuff music, ugh.
still, its probably more joyful that our 11.11 which is all about remembering our soldiers who died in war