Monday, November 26, 2007

The little things

23.11.2007 19:59 There are a couple of things I miss not being a home. Apart from friends and all that social life going on of course. Like living in this flat, not having a bedside lamp. Which means the light in the bedroom is not good enough for reading. The fact that I can wash my clothes having a washing machine, but nowhere to hang it to dry (solved by using hangers hanging on door knobs, socks and underwear on the bath tub, and various items on any hanging device I could find). I actually got the agency to get me an iron, there was an ironing board in the flat but no iron. Stolen by previous tenant? No music. Only CNN and Eurosport in English. Which means the TV might as well not be here, I just don’t use it (unless I’m lucky enough to find some music on the telly). The fact that the living room has only windows, so that I feel I’m on display every time I lie on the sofa. But apart from these little things everything is dandy…perhaps apart from being alone in a city I do not know with no plans for the weekend. But hey, somebody gave me a city guide! PS. Seriously, I don’t feel sorry for myself. I will go out tonight and explore the surroundings where I live. And it certainly could be worse than living 10 min walk from the Mediterranean Sea.

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