Monday, November 19, 2007


Sweden is also known as one of the coldest countries on earth (at least of those I've been to). Which is why my ride from the airport had this fluffy furcoated wheel in her car, so called rattmuff.

Mostly used by really old people though, since anybody cool wouldn't be seen ever driving with a "rattmuff"...


Anonymous said...

scary thing is I know people in Australia who have these, ugh.

Witchbitch said...

Why? It's not cold in Australia...

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that Swedes hook up their cars to the electric outlet at night. With a heater inside and a timer, the engine is warm and the windows clean from ice in the winter. Saves the environment from the bad pollution, when starting with a cold engine. November - Rattmuff on - March - Rattmuff off...

Anonymous said...

its all relative