Monday, November 26, 2007


23.11.2007 20:58 Bro is coming to visit next weekend. I was almost sending him an email to say “you don’t have to exchange money, I have enough euros” until I realized that he lives in lovely euroland too. Yes, I know the reason why Switzerland don’t, and I appreciate those, but heck, it would be so much easier. It just seems that I happen to always visit the countries where euros are not much appreciated. Like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England and the US. While I can understand why the US do not join euroland (think the answer lies in the name here :) I cannot accept that the stupid Nordic countries and the United Kingdom think they are something special. UK even insists on doing the miles, the pint (ok, that one I can accept), the pounds and the ounces, driving on the wrong side of the road etc etc. Nobody is special today. Cooperation is the name of the game to survival these days. Not sure that Darwin picked up on that, but then again he did live quite a few years ago. And nobody is perfect…


Anonymous said...

so true.
I didnt know Sweden didnt have Euro, how odd. Yeah, The Brits are only part of Europe so they can influence other countries, most of them think of Europe as somewhere foreign. There is however, nothing wrong with the left side of the road.

Witchbitch said...

Yes there is. Plenty wrong in the rest of Europes opinion.