Sunday, November 04, 2007


I have a problem with friends (or perhaps they are only acquaintances?) who cannot commit. When you ask to meet up or make an appointment, they say "maybe, I'll let you know". And then they never do. You never know if they will show up or not. Which causes you to not know if you can make other plans. I hate this. I my perfect world it would be better with a firm yes or no. Then I would know. And could plan thereafter. But I have decided to not let this bother me. I will plainly take a maybe as a no. If then they change their mind, fine. If I'm available I am, otherwise not.


Anonymous said...

I hate this too, but for some reason I think I've been being guilty of it lately even though I would never do it in the past. soemtimes I really dont know if I can make it - but I always get back to the person, but other times i think its because I'm not a good liar. There are some things I just don't want to go to but telling someone 'I dont want to' can be offensive so I feel like I have to pretend I have some more genuine reason.

Witchbitch said...

It's the indecisiveness I have problems with. And the fact that some never get back to tell you yes or no.