Tuesday, November 27, 2007


24.11.2007 19:38 Went discovering the neighbourhood today. It’s 5 minutes walk to the Mediterranean sea, and the beach is great once you get there. A little bit too many skyscrapers and too much cement on the way though. Great waves, but it’s a bit too chilly to swim. I also have what must be one of the biggest malls next-door. One of those that has many entrances, and I always seem to manage to get out another one than the one I came in. No sense of direction whatsoever. I should be an actress in Lost. Was trying to locate a pair of slippers, since now when I cannot use the air condition to get heating the floors are a bit cold. Had to give up though. Too many shops, too many people. And they all speak very loudly in Catalonian/Spanish. Which I guess is normal considering the country I’m in…

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