Friday, November 23, 2007

Shopping experience

22.11.2007 19:52 Then of course I had to go shopping, since the apartment was stripped. There was no toilet paper, no nothing in the fridge. Guess that wasn’t part of the service. Had forgotten what it’s like to food shop in a foreign country not knowing the language. And on top of that I must’ve found the biggest supermarket in Barcelona. Row after row after row of groceries of all kinds. Felt like doing a Borat, the scene when he grabs a shop assistant and points to a package asking “wat is dis?” and the assistant answers “cheese”. About 76 times. Imagine the time it takes to shop when you know the names of “cerveza” (which I anyway didn’t want to buy), “vino” and yeah, I guess that’s about it. But I managed to get some olives, ham, bread, cheese and milk. Do you have any idea of how many milk sorts that is available on the Spanish market? And all I wanted was normal milk to have in my coffee. Which turned out to be powder cappuccino in the end, since I hadn’t seen a coffee-maker in the flat. I also got some salt and pepper (“pimiento blanca molida” – who would’ve known?). Guess I was thinking that I would cook one evening. HAHAHAHA!

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