Thursday, November 01, 2007

Diamond anniversary

This is indeed very weird, since I am so the not marrying type, but I know this couple who next week have their 60th wedding anniversary! How is that possible? The same guy for 60 friggin years? I am so impressed. Phoned them this evening, since they sent me a birthday card and I wanted to thank them. "Did you get the invitation?" was the first thing she asked. No I didn't. So apparently it's in the mail, but unfortunately it is already next week, so cannot make it. The cards got held-up at the printing shop, and she got a bunch of flowers as an excuse, but it doesn't really help for someone like me who has to travel. They live in Jersey. Wonderful little island. And I mean Jersey the channel island, not the NY Jersey. Great place. I've been visiting twice. They are the old-fashioned couple who serves you tea in bed in the morning, and places a warm water flask in your bed. And still you can talk "man business" with the wife, which I remember we did lying in sunchairs out in their cute garden. I am lucky to know such people.

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