Thursday, November 01, 2007

Go straight to jail

NOT! Got a letter from the authorities today that I do not appear in the "strafregister", meaning I haven't been to jail during my stay in Switzerland. Well, I knew that, and now I have it on paper too. So all papers ready to be sent to the authorities, kindly asking them to give me an extended permit. You would've kinda thought that this was the agreement between Switzerland and EU already, but alas not. Or perhaps Switzerland just choose to ignore ze rules. Who knows? As long as they can take money off you. As the national saying goes "money doesn't smell"...


Anonymous said...

'go straight to jail'
my boyfriend who used to deal with international customers of a certain swiss bank told me that in fact some money actually does smell bad, stink in fact. I think it was the cash that customers brought from India that was most pungent. wierd.

Witchbitch said...

Did they walk into the bank with paper bags of cash?

Anonymous said...

'straight to jail'

apparently, something like that