Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I have yet to meet a person from South Africa who has respect for Nelson Mandela. Why is that? Too close to home, or is it that all of us having a great respect for him are wrong? Is perception everything? I'm beginning to think so. But how can a person who spent like 40 years in jail, then founded an organization who made South Africa a player in the world again be bad? South Africa is indeed not perfect, but on the way. I'm thinking Germany here. Germany incorporated East Germany like 20 years ago, and nowadays everybody just talks about Germany. There is no difference anymore. Mind you, I met a German the other day and he was pointing out that he was from Eastern Germany. He was like 9 years old when the wall disappeared. Why is that? Not sure where I'm going with this, but why is it so important where we come from? Why are people who stand out (like Mandela) not appreciated? Perhaps it's like me who comes from the north. I didn't like Abba when they first appeared on stage, but I do now...and yes I know, it's not exactly the same :)


Anonymous said...

from what I hear South Africa isnt even going in the right direction for perfect these days.
there is still a massive difference between East and West Germany, e.g. in unemployment rates, social security and extremism, and the government is still paying massive subsidies to try and bring Eastern Germany to the same level as Western Germany and will apparently have to do so for another 30 years or something. Last week I read an article that said that more than 20% of Germans (eastern and Western) think they'd be better off if the Berlin wall was rebuilt - scary, no?

Witchbitch said...

I'm sure that can be debated about S Africa. Need to speak to more people from there to find out.

Surprises me re Germany. Perhaps it has to do with their rigid system with politicians in bed with unions. That strong employment rights lead to an immobile market leads to unemployment etc etc.