Tuesday, April 19, 2011

3 bad things about Switzerland

I have been accused of praising Switzerland, and in particular Zürich too much, so I was trying to come up with 3 bad things about my new home country.

1. Ze language/s. Obviously.

2. The bureaucracy, or rather bureaucrazy. Ok, I agree after several phone calls, gazillions of forms filled in and a fair number of stamps it actually works. But still, this is the year of 2011, and you would think that internet would have reached also the government here. But no.

3. Still thinking.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, I quite like the language. But yep, the bureaucrazy is very very bad, that would be my no. 1.
2. The lack of BYO restaurants
3. The weather

Witchbitch said...

Weather is great here. Guess everything is relative. In comparison to my home country, this is almost the tropics.

But seriously, I like that it never gets sticky hot, and that it seldom rains.

The lack of BYO doesn't bother me, I rather eat at home.