Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aussie coming to visit

On my way to the airport in a little while to pick up an old friend. Cannot say we have had close contact over the years, but when we met in Holland some 16 years ago we experienced some things together that we'll never forget. Being stuck in a foreign country, working with people who wouldn't listen, made us connect.

During the years we did other stuff together like I was visiting him in Australia to celebrate the millenium, we shared an interesting long weekend in Orange County and we spent a holiday together in Cook Islands.

One of the things I remember with him, is that he is THE control freak. We were in Sydney once, planning to go up the coast the next day where a group of us have rented a beach house. Unfortunately there were forest fires, and the roads were closed.

I didn't panic, figuring we were in Sydney close to Bondi beach, what was the issue of waiting one day? Whereas my friend completely freaked out. The forest fires messed with his plans. So while I was spending the day at Bondi, he was busy planning how to get out of Sydney.

But still, we are allowed to be different, and since we haven't met since like 2004, I do look forward.

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