Tuesday, April 05, 2011

No greener grass

I have many friends who love to travel. I can relate to this, since I was the same for many years. If I didn't travel for work, I travelled on holidays. America, Australia, Africa, think the only part of the world I haven't been to, other than Bangkok airport, is Asia. Don't like the fact that they promote child prostitution.

And of course all countries in western Europe, except for Andorra. Also covered Yogoslavia, when it still was Yugoslavia. And Hungary, five miserable months working there.

Well, the point is that today when I was sitting sunbathing in my boat in the middle of Zürich, waiting for the engine repair man, looking at the snow-clad Alps, I thought to myself, there is absolutely no better city in the world. And I'm here. Now.

I'm done with travelling. I have found my home. And there is no better place on earth!

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