Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From one bed to the other

Had another idea while sitting on the bus on the way home. I have now gotten my new (and might I add fab) shelf for my guest room. I am planning to put the thingie for the cats in there. Am also planning to buy an old peoples bed, one of those where you can move the head and foot on the bed by buzzing a remote.

Haha, remember first time I slept in a bed like that in a hotel. Thought it was so funny so I spent quite some time moving up and down, until I looked like a V.

Anyway, my thought was that perhaps I move into the current guest room and make it into my room, and leave the bigger of the two bedrooms for guests, an office, washhanging and storage. Just a thought.

Means I have to go down from a bed of 1.60 to 1.40 but even if my BMI is 25 I think it would be enough. Besides, it's cozy to cuddle up in a smaller bed, no?


Anonymous said...

so, why are yo planning on buying an 'old people's bed'?

Witchbitch said...

Cause my current bed is not very good, and I want to be able to adjust the new one. I read a lot in bed, and it's comfy to raise the head of the bed.