Friday, April 29, 2011


I can feel it creeping up on me, yes it's definitely noticeable, yes it's here. I'm getting older. Ok, so not old you understand, but definitely not 20 anymore. Or even 30 for that matter. No need to go on.

When I choose to stay in on a Friday evening, just because it's dark and only 13°C out there, and I have West Wing on the dvd-player and cinnamon rolls to nibble on, rather than going out, then it's doomsday.

On the other hand it could be just a temporary blip. Yes, that's probably what it is.

And if you think I baked them myself, think again. Got them at Ikea the other day. Frozen. All you gotta do is to stick them in the oven. I can do that. All on my own.

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