Friday, May 06, 2011

Animal update

Told a friend about my plan to get cats, which btw turns out to be much more of a struggle than I thought. There are gazillions of oldies, but no kittens and I have engaged everybody I know in the search. Well, haven't given up yet.

So friend sent me update of his menagerie:

"Cat: grumpy, spends most of the day sitting in a basket in the window of my garage - she seems to use this as her summer home only coming in the house to eat and at night when other cats beat her up :-( On the plus side, she has authority over the dog > sharp claws in nose = dog back down!

Dog: utterly mental, I think she missed out in the brain dept. However, as she needs soooooooo much exercise I'm getting fitter week by week so as they say "every cloud..." She is proving to be a very good swimmer so we're looking forward to taking her to the beach this summer. Look out for Moli the surfing dog - the new YouTube sensation!

Chickens: Still don't like 'em. Noisy & shit a lot."

Yeah, that's cats for you. They don't like, sharp claws out! Haha.

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