Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My last will

I understand that some of my friends think that I talk a lot about death these days, and that they are considering killing me myself if I do not stop, so let me explain.

I am in the process of writing my will, and I do not want to put organizations in my testament just on a whim. I want to see them, explore, ask questions, understand and make sure that whatever money is left when I go, go to something worthwhile. This is like any other project.

And I can assure you that when I'm done, and have written my testament, I will let it go. This is not an obsession of mine. Just look at it as another project.

And I'm almost there. I have now visited five different organizations, and I have made up my mind. Now it's just the administration left. So be patient, in a little while this monkey is off my back and it'll be business as usual.


Anonymous said...

ah, I though you were just getting all social minded and into volunteering ;)

Witchbitch said...

That too.