Sunday, May 22, 2011

Phone and computer

I know, these are things. You cannot be too attached to them. Still I am. When people visit they often ask to use my computer to check their emails. Thing is that most people have iphones, and if they are so good they say they are, USE'M! Do not use my computer.

It is personal, that's why it's called a personal computer, a PC. It's personal. It's MINE.

Every time it feels like you are invading my personal space. I don't like it. Not at all.

Yet, I cannot say no. It's not like I don't trust the people, but I just don't like it. That's it.


Followinglight said...

received and understood. Will remember it next time you have a computer glitch, don't want to invade your space. ;o)

Witchbitch said...

Oh noooo! This was certainly not directly at you. Only everybody else! Oh pls pls pls answer the phone I call next time about a hickup :).

Witchbitch said...

Directed, not directly. Got very upset about losing my pc support!

Anonymous said...

really?? that wouldn't have occurred to me that people could be so senstive about laptop usage. But I 'spose having people look at your computer is a bit like having them look inside you cupboards and see everything you have.