Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A gigantic cupcake

Arrrghhh. Spent the afternoon shopping, i.e. being dragged from one shop to the other by friend. I managed to get us to have lunch at an outdoor restaurant, but that was the only pleasure this afternoon.

I dunno why, but every time I enter a shop I want to turn around and go out again. It's people everywhere, and each department store have perfumes and cosmetics at the ground floor with shop assistants who try to get you to try a new creme, a new fragrance or do your hair. Get out of my face people!

After gazillions of shops we ended up in Jelmoli. Was it Jelmoli? I've forgotten. One of the dresses I couldn't even get on. First I tried over my head, ended up with meters of fabric with the wrong side out. Tried to step into it, and still couldn't work out how it was supposed to fit. No go.
In the end I chose a dress that makes me look like a giant cupcake, just because it was the only one that could house my boobs and that I refused to try on yet another one.

This is soooo not me. I don't wanna be a girly-girl. The things I do...

But no, it ain't done yet. Now I'm gonna need a strapless bra, or a bra with transparent straps, shoes, a scarf and a hat. Dress code says gown and hat. Already found Bridget Jones-knickers. They will hold EVERYTHING in. Best buy today!


Anonymous said...

"gown and hat'?! what is this, a royal wedding? Anyway, the dress looks pretty nice, your favourite colour and everything! I'm sure you wont look like a cupcake (as long as you don't end up with confetti on your head ;)). Go the strapless bra if you can, transparent straps are a bit tacky for this kind of thing I reckon.

Witchbitch said...

As long as it can hold them up.

TrudySA said...

Just love the colour of the dress, and l am sure you will look great. Need to where a hat? Well David Cameron's wife (Priminister of UK) did not where one to the Royal wedding, so l am sure you can be excused!!

Witchbitch said...

Well, I'll see if I can find one that will not destroy my hairdo, like I have one!