Sunday, May 01, 2011

Another world

On the same theme, today I met a woman who at the age of 28 already was an MD and was now studying to get her PhD in some other scientific discipline. She yet had not decided what to work with, but leaning towards being a medical doctor. Internal medicine she said, but only maybe.

I cannot grasp the fact that a person would choose a third of her life to study. I was 19 when I escaped the parents and started my own life, independent. Making money was a necessity for me, because I wanted to eat. And have a place to live.

On one hand it is great that we nowadays can afford to let people study and be "our future", but on the other hand, I don't get how they year after year can live like that. Hey, didn't I say diversity is good? Yes I did. But I'm glad I'm not a PhD. I am very happy other people choose to.

PS. I was better in socializing. We all have talents.


Anonymous said...

Live like what? I guess you mean with not much money. Which is true sort of, I sometimes wonder why I spent so many years studying to earn this amount of money. Its because it wasnt for the money, but now I'm older and wiser, I'm beiginning to think I just want the money! That doesnt mean you can't study and be independent though. I've had a job since I was 14, paid my own food, rent, travel etc since I was 18. Although I must admit the government did help out a little back then.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, that's what I mean. Time to leave the safe haven of the government and start making money :)?

Anonymous said...

well, maybe, If I could find something that paid really well but was equally as interesting. I'm still prioritising (maybe stupidly) what I do over what I make. I was thinking my salary is actually not so bad, but yesterday heard about unqualified 19 year olds earning 150K as labourers on our desalination plant. That really makes you question your decisions

Witchbitch said...

That doesn't sound right, I wonder what it is that they do exactly.

Anonymous said...

thats what I thought, but it was in the paper too (although the article is talkign about tradesmen - plumbers, welders, electricians etc):
The labourers do lifting , carrying, digging, maybe driving stuff, and they work more than the 4 days the qualified tradesmen do.
This is what happens in our Union state.